ePhone Business
The most productive business call you make all day might be to Empower.
Time-strapped business leaders are always looking for ways to get things done faster. Our ePhone service is an ultra-efficient way to move money and manage accounts 24/7. Just make the call and work through the automated system.
Transaction options
- Up-to-date account balances
- Review payment history
- Find out which checks have cleared
- And more
- ePhone will guide you through the system to assist you in completing your transaction. It is important to know what account number(s) you need to access.
- It's important to listen carefully to the prompts and know your account number(s).
- The maximum withdrawal or transfer amount is $10,000 per transaction.
- No decimal or dollar sign is needed when entering dollar amount (Example: $25.00 would be entered as 2500#).
- If you enter your personal access code incorrectly three times, you will be locked out and will need to contact us.
- For more detailed instructions, see our ePhone User Guide.
How to use ePhone
1. Call 315.477.2200 or 800.462.5000
2. Select the ePhone option from our main menu. Select 2 for the Spanish version of ePhone
Then, select:
Option 1 to sign into your account
Option 2 to report a lost or stolen Mastercard
Option 3 to verify funds for a credit union check
You will be prompted to enter one of the following to access your account:
2. Select the ePhone option from our main menu. Select 2 for the Spanish version of ePhone
Then, select:
Option 1 to sign into your account
Option 2 to report a lost or stolen Mastercard
Option 3 to verify funds for a credit union check
You will be prompted to enter one of the following to access your account:
Your account number or Social Security number
- To access all accounts associated with the individual assigned to the account number or Social Security number and personal access code entered
- Do not use either of these two options if you need to access loan information
- To access all accounts associated with the individual assigned to the member number and personal access code entered
- Only member number may be used to access loan or credit card information at this time
Empower Federal Credit Union is a full-service financial institution serving members throughout New York State.
Empowering you to make the best financial decisions.
Explore valuable tools and education to support your unique financial journey.

Business Online Banking
Fast, easy money management leaves you with more time to focus on money making.